Toddler Flower Girl Dresses

Tips On Toddler Flower Girl Dresses

Many brides choose toddlers as their flower girl and ring bearer. There is nothing sweeter than seeing a little one walking down the aisle on the big wedding day. Of course, there are always those toddlers who do great in practice and then chicken out on the big day. But, the wedding goes on as always! Choosing a toddler flower girl dress should be an easy but educated decision. Toddler flower girl dresses need to be beautiful but also functional.

Toddlers that are potty trained should have a toddler flower girl dress that is easy to deal with when going to the bathroom. If there is a little train that needs to be detached before she goes to the bathroom, then there could be trouble.

Most toddlers will let you know they need to go to the restroom about one minute before it is too late, giving you very little time to get her there and get her situated to begin. Just be sure when choosing toddler flower girl dresses that you keep this in mind and keep it beautifully simple.

Some toddlers, especially girls, are very choosy about their clothing. If they get it into their head that they do not like a particular outfit, then you can forget about them ever wearing it. They will remember the outfit months down the line and continue to refuse to wear it. To avoid this problem, allow the little one to go with you when choosing her toddler flower girl dresses. Let her voice her opinion so she will happily put on her dress on the wedding day. She will be excited to wear her dress and be smiling all day with it on. The happier she is, the more likely she will follow through with her role in the wedding.

If you do end up with a toddler who refuses to get dressed, be prepared in advance. Have a small toy on hand. Although it is not always good to bribe children, this is an exception. Offer her the toy if she gets dressed.

Another option is to get her a princess tiara, but do not show her until she is dressed. If she gets dressed without complaint, then simply add the tiara. If she refuses to get dressed, then tell her you have a special princess surprise and show her the tiara then. These tricks can be lifesavers when dealing with a difficult toddler.

Toddler flower girl dresses can be in any cut or color. It is adorable when you can find a miniature version of the brides dress for toddler flower girl dresses. If the flower girl looks like a mini bride, the guests will fall in love with her.

Some brides choose to put their flower girls in color. Toddler flower girl dresses in pink, gold, silver, or blue are adorable as well. The cut does not matter, but it should go nicely with the cut of the bridesmaids dresses or the brides dress. Overall, just choose toddler flower girl dresses that are comfortable and easily accessible and you will be a success!

About the Author

Whitney Acke is a successful freelance writer from Lexington, Kentucky. In addition to writing, she also enjoys spending time with her husband and their two young sons. She is a new contributor to .

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